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We have several highly qualified Faculty and Adjunct Faculty Members
in several cities and states of India, but we still need more Adjunct Faculty Members.

	Their responsibilities will be as follows: 
* To Review and Upgrade our Curriculum * To Write New Courses * To Conduct Special Seminars and Courses in our Extension Centers * To Speak in our Regional and National Pastors & Leaders Conferences * To Evaluate & Grade the Assignments of our students * To Guide Students to research to write their Thesis/Dissertation & * To Give Academic Counsel

The Adjunct Faculty Members are expected to perform any of the above functions only when their services are required, and they may at that time accept the assignment and do it within the stipulated date. If they do not have the time to accept the assignment for any reason whatsoever, they may decline it. For the services rendered, an honorarium will be given according to the policy of IICM. If you are interested in serving as an Adjunct Faculty Member of IICM, send an email to iicmweb@iicm.us