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Bachelor Degree Students who graduated
in February 2006 Convocation Service


Thousands of students have graduated
and are currently studying from most of the Cities and States of India, as well as from
several Nations through out the World,
from almost all the major Denominations
and Christian Organizations including
Bishops, Presbyters, Pastors, Evangelists, Principals and Faculty Members of Bible Colleges,
Lay Leaders, Church Leaders,
Businessmen/Women, Professionals,
Believers etc.

Masters Degree Students who graduated
in February 2006 Convocation Service


Bachelor Degree Students who graduated
in April 2006 Graduation Service

Masters Degree Students who graduated in April 2006 Graduation Service

Masters Degree Students who graduated
 in June 2006 Graduation Service


Doctoral Degree Students who graduated
in June 2006 Graduation Service